Monday, June 11, 2012

More Rule of Threes

It’s actually a bit hard to separate depth of field issues from the so-called “rule” of threes or of third. The concepts are closely intertwined and all work together to create very elegant photos. These two, taken last month in Colorado of our youngest granddaughter, display this concept nicely. In the top picture, notice the image is divided into thirds – rather than centering Elena, I placed her in the left third of the picture. With the background out of focus (using a long telephoto lens) the expression on her face and her body languages really snap out at the viewer.

In the second photo, which is really a lucky shot as I was walking ahead of her and only happened to glance over my shoulder to see what she was up to, I place her once again to the left. Notice there are only three “objects” in the picture – the wheel, her face, and the background.

In the bottom picture, of Addy, Elena’s older sister, notice the off balance approach and the out of focus, mostly uncluttered background. All of these elements take thinking ahead, with these “rules” in mind.


At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across this from looking at scans of pics from Butler Cave. I am a photographer in VA and like shooting water, mostly creeks and rivers. I was researching the area for possible locations. I've shot in the area before but it's been a while and I like to have back-up locations in case my standbys don't work out.

Do you know if there are better shots of Butler Cave. I looked on the bccs website but all they have are people pictures. :(

I agree with your thirds rule but sometimes there is just too much going on in the area. I like to try to limit capturing things in the picture that lead eyes off the edge of the photo.

What do you shoot with?

Happy Independence Day and thanks for your service.


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