Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Information Age: Avoiding the Chaos

The advent of the World Wide Web and the concurrent explosion of instant access to information in literally overwhelming and mind-numbing quantities reminds me of our first reaction to computers and hard drives: some of us actually thought we could end the paper clutter in our lives, whereas in reality most of us just went out and bought high-speed printers and ended up with more, not less paper. The same has held true with my hard drive space (not to mention the soft drive space in my head) – I have so many files in so many folders I hardly know how to find the important ones anymore.

Enter PowerPoint. An organizational tool by nature, PowerPoint, with its hyper-linking capacity, is a great way to organize a collected group of files. By placing the files in question in your IPFW users web space, one can have instant access, from any location around the world, to documents, sound files, image files and a/v files through one simple portal: a PPT designed specifically to organize and display these files.

Such is the case with the PPT above, a presentation developed to showcase my best Internet teaching practices and their justification. Just click on the image and enjoy.