Monday, May 17, 2010

Jamming On

Sometimes you take pictures just for the bragging rights. This Pearl Jam shot is from a few weeks ago at the Verizon Wireless Center (a birthday treat from my son Ben). My Nikon point and shoot showed its worth as a handy second camera, as you can’t take pro cameras into the concerts. This is the digital zoom at work.

Lucky Shot

Well, it’s not so lucky, because I did make sure I had a camera when we went for an early morning walk while camping near the Erie-Miami Canal in Ohio recently. I’ve always wanted a good picture of a Blue Heron, but have never before been in the right place at the right tine with the right camera. This shot is taken with my little but powerful Nikon point and shoot. Its normal 3.5x optical zoom goes to 14x in the digital zoom mode.

The Power of Black and White

I’ve photographed this old farmhouse in North Carolina for many years, and here is my latest version, from last month. I’m sure it is a matter of preference, but I find the black and white version to be much more dramatic and evocative of the old and decaying and historic nature of the scene. Notice how the wintry lines of the trees and the texture of the chimney and old wood are accentuated in the b&w version.